Saturday, June 06, 2009

Fun at Grandmom and Grandpop's

We headed to Rick's parents house last night (6/5/09) for a spend-the-night and had so much fun! We ate pizza together and hung out talking and Will and grandpop spent time playing with his toys and watching movies. Today we got up and Rick's mom made us some delicious pancakes and after that we headed outside so Will could ride his bike. Rick's mom and I took Will around the neighborhood and as he was riding grandpop pulled up behind us in his truck and said to Will, "you wanna race" and of course Will said "yes" and took off riding his bike after his grandpop so grandmom and I had to run to chase after Will...we definitely got our workout! Will also rode around in his little "57 Chevy" truck and mowed the yard. After he was done with that he played in the back of the big Chevy truck of grandpop's....he loves that truck! Grandmom, Will and I then headed to the store and bought some food for dinner and some water guns while Rick and his dad headed to the store to get my tire fixed (had a nail in it). Once we got back we all headed out to the pool to show Will's grandparents what he's been learning at his lessons! :) He had so much fun! The pool was a little chilly since the sun didn't want to stay out from behind the clouds today but we still had a nice time. The sun did finally come out but by that time it was close to dinner time so we waited until after dinner to go in for another swim. After our last swim we headed in for some banana splits which were delicious! Will got a bath and played with his blocks and cars with grandpop while I was packing things up for us to come home! Will wasn't very happy about having to leave so we'll just have to make sure we do it again soon!



How fun! I didn't know about your visit or your tire!

Me-Mo said...

Those pictures are great! What a wonderful time for all of you! Me-Mo