Saturday, January 19, 2008

Will's "Boo Boo"

Ashley called me at work yesterday (1/18/08) at about 4:55 pm to tell me that Will seemed to have hurt his wrist/arm (she was about to put in an Elmo video that he and Rylan love and I guess he got a little excited and jumped off of the couch and landed on his wrist)- she wasn't sure what, if anything, was wrong b/c all he was doing was crying non-stop, saying, "no boo boo, no boo-boo" and wouldn't let her or Brandon take a look at it or ice it. So....I packed my bags up at work and headed home to get him and he was able to move his hand, arm, etc. but I decided to call his doctor's office to talk to the doctor on call about it just in case and they told me that I could either take him that night to the emergency room or wait until the next morning - either way I should get it checked b/c of his age and the weakness of bones at this age. So I decided to go on to Richland Memorial Hospital that evening - I think we left at about 6:30 pm. We went into the children's hospital area b/c I wasn't really sure where I was supposed to go and they ended up making a few phone calls for me and getting an order in for the x-rays that were needed and we proceeded to go to do the x-rays - Will did very well with this I must say! After taking a look at the x-rays they determined that he had fractured his wrist and that he was going to either need a cast or splint - they ended up putting a cast on him which is going to be quite the adventure with bath-time b/c we can't get it wet! While waiting for the cast we watched two movies and met many of the staff at Richland and I must say that I was very pleased with all of them and the care that they gave us! I'm so glad I went here and not the emergency room b/c who knows what time we would've gotten out of there if we had done that! We ended up finally getting home somewhere around 12:45 or so, so needless to say, Will and I both were exhausted and pretty much went right to bed b/c we had a big day ahead of us! :) We are waiting for Rick to get to see Will in person - he missed out on all of the action b/c he was away on a trip to Miami on Friday night! It's amazing to see him now because he acts as if nothing is wrong - I guess he's kind of like his mommy in that sense b/c I can take pain real well - at least most of the time! I'm glad that he's doing so well though b/c it makes it so much easier for me - I don't know what I would have done if he was in much more pain than he was b/c that was hard enough to see him like he was! Ashley ended up coming over to the house today and brought Will a gift - it was the Elmo video that he got so excited about right before he broke his wrist and some candy! Will was very excited about this and has already watched the video today! Here's pictures of Will and his cast:


Mommy said...

Poor Will...I hope his boo boo heals fast! We are thinking about you Will!!

beth ewing said...

poor thing. oh i think i'll cry harder than miller the first time we break a bone. good job to stay calm and take him to the doctor, mommy. now just give him lots of love.

The Mick Family said...

What a little champ! I think after a few minutes Kayleigh would be trying to get it off of her arm! Make sure, if you want to save the cast, that you ask them to cut it in a way you can. Sometimes they really mess it up when they take it off... I still have one of mine from my elbow surgery... it's funny to see how little my arm and hand were...