Sunday, April 27, 2008

Early Mother's Day Gifts

I came home the other day from work and Rick and Will were outside playing and Rick whispered something to Will for him to tell me and so he did... all I could get out of the conversation because Will was so excited was BIRD! :) So....Rick, myself, Will and our neighbors, Allison and Jackson headed to the backyard and Rick showed me what was my early Mother's Day gift - a birdhouse (I've been asking for one for years)! I absolutely love it and hope that we'll actually get some birds, especially with having Hawker in the backyard. Here are pictures of it:

We also went to the store yesterday and got an arbor - this is actually something that both Rick and I have been wanting for a while. We bought some Wisteria that we put on the sides of the arbor and were hoping that they'll start growing real well and look good with the arbor. Here are pictures of the arbor:

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