Saturday, January 26, 2008


We've been working on potty training with Will since December and he's been doing a great job! He had tried some before December but more of just "checking things out" and seeing what it was all about instead of really doing anything! :) We didn't want to push the issue too much with him and get him frustrated with the whole process and I'm glad that we did it that way because now he's wanting to "go tee tee in the potty" all the time and we are working on the "poopy in the potty" now! This one is definitely not as easy but he's working on it and that's what counts! :) He sometimes gets a piece of candy if he goes so the "bribery tactic" has obviously helped with him - we'll take what we get! Here's a picture of him on the potty:


Anonymous said...

That was the hardest thing that we had to do with Cameron! Good Luck! I'm so glad that we've accomplished that and I hear that girls are easier. I hope so.

beth ewing said...

he looks so cute on the potty. we bought miller a little potty for christmas and he loves to sit on it but i don't think we're anywhere close to starting that. maybe when he turns 2. good luck and i'll be looking for some advice when it's my turn. hehe!